Encourage Mobile In-App Purchases

Do you remember the reason behind developing your mobile app in the first place?

This might seem like it was an eternity ago; you must go through quite the experience since the idea to build an app first popped into your head.

However, the reason may vary depending on your business size and type. For instance, you could use the customized mobile app as a promotional tool for your B2C business or as a crucial business tool to simplify complex operations. Irrespective of these, one of the prime reasons for opting for mobile app development is to generate revenue, and in-app purchase is the best option available to date. You might want to indulge in other ways such as advertising within a free app or charging a subscription for the app itself — but none are as simple and effective as in-app purchasing.

But how does one achieve the requisite in-app purchases? You might want to contact a mobile app development company for the same but fortunately, we are here for your rescue.

Here are some of the noteworthy and effective points to get the most from in-app purchases:

Entice Web Visitors
Without a doubt, your website’s visitors can be the most likely users of your app. You can readily entice them and get an optimum result rapidly because they are already familiar with your business and brand. This can be done with the help of promotional offers, discounts or an easy downloading process. For example, you could mention on your website “Exclusive offer for our app users- Get 30 per cent OFF on the first order. Just download, sign in or create an account to grab this offer”. This might simply attract them to download your app.

Remember, the more the downloads, the more you earn.

Create FOMO Smartly
You might have surely heard this term from your social media interactions.

FOMO(Fear Of Missing Out) occurs when people fear missing something joyful that their friends or relatives are doing.

However, here we need to use this concept slightly differently and smartly to boost your in-app purchases.

This can be done by offering limited period offers like flash sales, deals for the day or discounted memberships, exclusively for the app users. In other words, you can come up with just anything that is time-sensitive. It will create FOMO in an effective manner and arouse people to buy through in-app purchases. The whole concept is to lure them with offers that are valid for a limited time period; something they know won’t be available 24*7.

The Role Of Push Notifications
Purchase intent isn’t the end of the funnel.

The deal isn’t done until users input their payment info and tap the buy button. Here comes the role of push notifications. As a great way to communicate with the existing users, push notifications have gained ground in the mobile arena. Though they resemble text messages, push notifications have high engagement rates.

If a user adds an item to their cart but never checks out, you can send an automated follow-up to prompt the purchase in the form of mobile messages or e-mails. This will remind them of the product they once wanted to buy and can take them back to the forgotten product.

Nevertheless, it is better to use the technique wisely and in a controlled way. Frequent notifications might annoy the users and lead in app deletion. Even if they do not delete your app, they might mute the notifications, thus obstructing your way to spread awareness about discount offers and other promotional stuff effectively. Therefore, you need to make sure that the push notifications always add value to your user. By building a careful strategy, you can use them to boost purchase through your app.

Concluding Remarks
In order to be at the forefront of the fast-pacing mobile app market, your app needs to generate maximum revenue. The best possible way stands out to be in-app purchases. This could be achieved by adopting surefire techniques, that not only increase revenue but get too loyal customers as well.

Author’s Bio

Smarth Aggarwal - Sr. App Developer

Holding the position of senior software engineer at Nethues, his approach towards work is quite simple and straight. By investing his knowledge and experience with iOS.

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